What To Do When You’re Stuck

Getting back to the basics

Nentapmun Gomwalk
5 min readJan 12, 2022

In life, it seems like we’re always stuck at the worst possible time.

Photo by Morgane Le Breton on Unsplash

You start feeling like nothing is moving when everyone else seems to be going so far ahead. Or when you’re at the sweetest and happiest part of a romantic relationship, you suddenly feel bored. Or just when you’re supposed to get that promotion at work, someone with more expertise (or even less) takes your spot. A trip gets canceled and now your whole life is ruined. If you have to go to the same class one more time somebody’s head will have to be cut off…

I could go on and on with countless examples (we all have our unique set of circumstances) and what’s common in all of them is the energy: the energy of being stuck.

Now, the thing about energy is that it never lies. Think about the most cliche and true example: you walk into the room and something is just “off”. Maybe later you discover that someone had just had a fight, or everyone is extremely tired from an activity. Well, what’s that “something”?

It’s energy. And it exists everywhere and in everything.

So when I say that being stuck is an energy, I mean that it’s a force that infuses with other forces and gives us results of sameness, mediocrity, boredom, low energy, bitterness, greed, and behaviors that are destructive. Now, the problem isn’t the fact that you’re stuck and not moving, it is that you cannot move, even if you want to.

Photo by Fernando Jorge on Unsplash

We’re human beings, it’s only natural that we would want to move and evolve! Not being able to do so doesn’t just happen in one area of our lives, it often spreads and affects the entirety of our livelihood. That’s how powerful energy is. Letting the energy of being stuck spread throughout your life is an unfortunate thing that we instinctively do not want to do, yet feel powerless to act against.

It may be easy to say that you have to choose to not be in that energy anymore, but it is something that you must do.

First, choose to stop being stuck.

This may seem too simple, right? But that’s the first step. Choose that you do not want to remain stagnant. Though seemingly simple, this brings a self-awareness that can align you with the energy of being free which in turn, will lead you to the actions and consequences that bring about freedom and movement. Many people start out with actions but the energy of those actions are usually unsustainable when they are not aligned for you and the unbelievably unique set of circumstances that is your life.

Many people feel powerless in their lives and it is not a coincidence. Society as we know it to worldwide often teaches us that we are. But worldwide, we also see these exceptions of power in people, places, and even things. You’re not any different; human being that you are. What all things of power have in common is their energy.

We’re back to energy again? Yes. Everything is energy. Understanding this is crucial as you can then begin to consciously use it with intention in all areas of your life. Trust me, the difference will be clear.

So you see, because everything is energy, things are always happening, we just aren’t conscious of it. But when you begin to pay attention and be aware of yourself and these energies that are mirrored from within you to the external world, you can begin living your best life.

What is your best life? That’s what’s most authentic to you as you see it, in all areas of your life.

Now that we’ve uncovered the first step to take when it comes to being unstuck, let’s move to the most practical and actionable thing you can do to be free. Remember, if you haven’t dealt with the internal shift that is needed to choose freedom, the practical steps are likely to be fruitless or unsustainable.

Photo by Savvas Kalimeris on Unsplash

In whatever area of your life that you’re feeling stuck, go back to the basics of that area.

In your love life, your career, your hobbies, friendships, finances, children, marriage, fitness, diet, spiritual beliefs. . . whatever it may be. All these things have some type of foundation that we must build on before we can master it or nurture it to a stage where it can exist wholly.

For martial artists, the basics are going back to posture and stance. Without first learning and mastering this, none of the fighting techniques they use will be as powerful or as effective as they are supposed to be. For any type of relationship, it may be learning to understand and accept the other person while creating space for intimacy. For spiritual beliefs, it may be going back to connecting with the higher power by praying or reading spiritual texts. For dealing with difficult children it may be recognizing that they are an entire individual that may not be able to communicate their needs (just as when they were newly born) and approaching them in a healthy way. These are just some examples of what it means to go back to the basics; to assess what had set a good foundation in the past or learn new, healthy ways that you can begin to set that foundation.

Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

Many people experience problems when they go beyond the basics. This is only natural as we experience life and navigate it. The problem is that we tend to look everywhere but the basics for the solution. We often feel powerless and that instead, it’s easier to blame other people, places, and situations.

I’m not saying that at all times, we are always the problem and other people are not. No. What I’m saying or rather, asking you to do is pay attention to the energy within you and see if the problem lies there first. Once you’ve done this, you know what the best route to take will be. Whether to work on the things we’ve discussed or tackle the external situations as they are.

As you begin to choose and act in the energy of being unstuck and free, remember that choosing to live your best life is a daily practice. It is a daily practice of action, grace, rest, and gratitude for life as we know it to be.

Life is going to be life, let’s do it with power, love, and a sound mind. That’s a triple threat that will take you beyond your wildest dreams.

Sending love your way!



Nentapmun Gomwalk

There is no one like any of us. I read and write for the sake of discovery!